The End of Me(dium)I’m leaving Medium. Here’s what I’m proud of, and what has changed.Dec 21, 202310Dec 21, 202310
Decline and Fall andOn Rome, history, and what outlives the end of the world.Dec 14, 202318Dec 14, 202318
The Art Monster at the End of This BookWriter and diarist Anais Nin took the same liberties as her male peers — all of them, including the horrendous ones.Dec 6, 202328Dec 6, 202328
Annnnnnnd Why Should I Care?On “Unicorse,” the twelve-minute children’s cartoon that will save us all.Dec 2, 20235Dec 2, 20235
Urgent: There Is a Movie Where Mark Wahlberg Plays An English ProfessorIf you ever wanted to see Mark Wahlberg play Lydia Tár, your time is now.Nov 21, 20233Nov 21, 20233
It’s the End of Feminist Media. Again.Jezebel’s closing isn’t the end of an era — it’s a reminder that the era has been over for a long time.Nov 16, 202339Nov 16, 202339
Trans Masc Misogyny and the Red Six of SpadesBeing an attempt to grapple with trans community dynamics and trans guys who yell at women. A very long attempt. You were warned.Nov 6, 202315Nov 6, 202315
It’s Snowing in Upstate New YorkWhat it’s like to live through a six-month winter, and what it can teach you about… I don’t know, life and stuff? I’m cold.Nov 3, 202321Nov 3, 202321
Reading Poetry Through the WarWar, early mornings, and the poetry of Jane Hirshfield.Oct 27, 202313Oct 27, 202313