I’m Oscar Isaac in “Ex Machina,” and I Think AI Porn Is a Great Idea

Man has always sought to expand his horizons through technology. He has also sought to masturbate, and he is succeeding.

Jude Ellison S. Doyle


A sexy robot woman gives a come-hither gesture. She’s made of clear plastic with a metal luchador mask on, which makes it even hotter, I guess.
Pictures of Oscar Isaac are really expensive, actually. Photo by Alex Shuper on Unsplash

Greetings, computer users. It is I, the reclusive and hubristic tech billionaire played by Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina, here to discuss the technological developments of the day. Recently, I know, there have been a lot of worries about AI-generated imagery. Is it plagiarism? (Yes.) Will it replace human artists? (Also yes.) Is it literally haunted? Maybe!

Look: I don’t have time to discuss the matter of whether we’ve summoned demons by daring to invent a technology that destroys and mocks the precious creativity of the human soul. Those are questions for Oscar Isaac in some other movie. I’m Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina, the guy who built a fuckable robot and trapped it in his basement, and as such, I’m glad to announce that the Internet is using AI-generated imagery for the most noble purpose imaginable: Masturbation.



Jude Ellison S. Doyle

Author of “Trainwreck” (Melville House, ‘16) and “Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers” (Melville House, ‘19). Columns published far and wide across the Internet.