Member-only story
Iron John Drum Circle Feelings In The Woods
Part three of a three-part talk with UK feminist Mallory Moore on trans feminism, trans conflict, and trans care.
Note: This is Part Three of a three-part story. You can read Part One here and Part Two here.
Well, here we are: After detouring through US politics, then through UK politics, then through fifty years of feminist organizing, this is the installment where Mallory Moore and I discuss trans people fighting on the Internet.
We don’t discuss it for long. The Discourse churns eternal, and it is always irritating, but it is also fundamentally less interesting than the question of what we owe each other and how we can build communities — online and off — that reflect the world we want.
This has been a long conversation, but it is only one conversation. There are many other ways to cover this territory. I’m honored that Mallory was willing to put herself in the line of fire to hash all this out with me — again, these are difficult issues to talk about, especially in public, and I’d ask that you extend the grace and good faith you would like to receive — and I hope that, even though this interview did not actually turn out to solve all the world’s problems, we have at least reminded you of all the other, better…